Birth rights

This concept in identity management is indicating the fact that identities, based on their attributes ( e.g. belonging to a certain organisation ) are to acquire entitlements or other relationships by default.

It is defined as a scheduler in the schedulers section.

Following configuration can be changed



the organisation for which this scheduler is intended for ( required )


the list of entitlements that has to be assigned to the targets (required)


the email address of the identity for which this scheduler is intended for ( optional )

So a valid configuration for giving all identities have a organisation assignment with organisation with code AAA a entitlement with code BBB would be:

    "Birthright configuration one": 
       "entitlements" : ["BBB"], 
       "organisationFilter" : "AAA" 

The scheduler will only create a entitlement assignment when there is not yet any found for the entitlement code. It will not extend existing or expired assignments

Giving a specific person with email entitlement YYY and ZZZ within organisation AAA

  "Birthright configuration specific identity" : 
        "entitlements" : ["YYY","ZZZ"], 
        "organisationFilter" : "AAA", 
        "identityFilter" : "" 

The end date of the assignment is calculated based on the value of the attribute defaultDurationInMonths of the entitlement specified

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