
When a account id generator is configured, an id will be generated during provisioning, according to the rules that are specified. This id will be stored for that specific identity within that specific target system.

During provisioning, a view is composed, containing all the relevant attributes of the identity within his environment, including organisation and entitlement assignments.

Attributes from that view can then be using the account id generation logic.

For example a identity with a view:

  "firstName" : "Homer",
  "lastName" : "Simpson",

Can be configured via account id generators to have a account id of 'simhom' in a certain target system. If this unique id is already existing, the application will apply a correction mechanism and generate a new id until it is unique.

One generic generator implementation is available that accepts the following configuration.

Crafting you own generator

You can create your own generator implementation by creating a new java maven project and include following dependency:


This will give you the possibility of implementing the class Generator.

import be.personify.iam.provisioning.generators.Generator;

public class CustomIdGenerator implements Generator {

  public String generate(Map<String, Object> configurationAndView, int attempt) throws Exception {


The configuration and view is the map with all the collected attributes which you can use for generating a string that has to be returned.

The integer attempt is the number of times that is tried to store a generated id. This number can be used for finally obtaining a unique id.

Last updated